What are the different ways models can earn on the website?
Model earnings come from fan subscriptions, premium content sales and product purchases.
Can galleries be offered for an additional premium as with VOD videos?
No, only videos can be offered as premium content.
Can models set their own subscription charges? What is the default subscription value set at registration?
Yes, Models can set the subscription charges for her account. The default subscription is set to 1.
Does the admin have control to view or modify subscriptions amount set by models?
Yes, the admin can change the subscription charges set by a model from the model update section.
Can models subscribe to other models or buy their products?
No, models cannot subscribe to other models’ products.
How does the platform generate revenue?
Admin get commission on all the site-wide transactions taking place, right from subscriptions, product purchases and premium content sales. And then there’s affiliate marketing as well which you can implement using the banners on site.
How can the models and the admin monitor their earnings?
Both model and admin have the earnings log integrated in their dashboards.
Can admins set different commission percentages or different models?
Yes, the admin can set individual model commissions through the update performers menu.
How can models identify the platform commissions?
Next to every transaction on the earnings page, models will be able to see the commission deducted by the platform and the net income on that transaction.
Does Adent.io take commissions off any transitions made on the website?
No, Adent.io doesn’t take any commissions off any transitions made on the website.
How are the payouts made to model and admin for each user transaction?
The payment gateway processes payments directly into the admin account depending on the payout schedules of the respective gateways.. The models initiate payout requests from their account. Admin then reviews them and processes payments through the channel selected by the model.
What are the channels available for model payments?
Bank transfer and PayPal. Models can store details for both these channels in their profile.
Can models create a new payout request while the previous one is still open?