Why is there a product store on a fan subscription site?
Sex toys is a global multi-billion dollar industry. The market is expected to grow at an average compound growth rate of 8.04% every year from 2021 to 2028. Giving your user base a one-stop experience for all their desires is only an obvious business decision. xFans comes equipped to help you get a piece of this industry as well.
What sort of products can be listed in the store?
Everything from vibrators, furry hand shackles, or even used undergarments, there’s a market for everything. You can list digital products too.
Who can list products in store?
Both admin and the models can list products on the store.
Where do store products show up on the site?
Store items are showcased at two places – inside the model profile under the store section and there’s also a global store section that can be accessed from the top menu bar where products from all the models are listed.
Does the admin receive commission on store purchases too?
Yes, the admin can set the commission percentages for all types of transactions occurring on the site, including commission for product purchases.
Can admin list products under model profile?
Yes, the admin can upload items on behalf of a model.
Is there any shipping API integrated?
No. While models can view orders received and update their statuses for easy tracking, shipping will need to be taken care of offline.
Who is responsible for fulfilling the orders placed?
The models need to take care of the order fulfillment.
Is it possible to set the stock availability for a physical product? Will the site show out-of-stock for products accordingly?
Once you purchase an item, the stock number decreases for an item and is visible beside the product. Site will show you out-of-stock notifications once you try to purchase them.
Can a user who isn’t subscribed to a model make a purchase listed under that model’s profile?
Yes, a non-member can purchase PPV videos or store items using his/her card.
Will the users be notified automatically at each stage of order delivery?
Currently this option is not available. Our developers are working on different levels of email notifications and this will be added to our base product soon.