Can escorts join the platform for free?
No, escorts need at least a basic subscription to list themselves on the site.
After registering, verifying their email, and getting their documents verified by the admin, they will then be required to subscribe to one of the membership packages available to make their profile public so users can find them.
How are escorts made aware of the subscription after registering?
Every time a new escort logs in without an active subscription, they receive a notification requesting them to choose one of the packages to show their ad to users.
This is also applicable for existing escorts whose renewal of subscription failed for any unforeseen reason.
What is the verification process for Escorts?
When a new escort registers onto the site, they need to submit their documents for verification. These documents are then vetted by the admin from the admin panel. Profiles of new escorts are hidden until this is completed.
How can the escorts get in touch with the admin if there are delays in profile activation?
Escorts can make use of the contact form to reach out to the site admin to fast track or to work out the reason for the delay.
As the site admin, what are the escort account controls available?
Profile verification, adding verified tag, enable/disable account, changing the registered email, changing account type and password reset.